Moxibustion, also called moxa treatment, traditional medical practice that originated in China and thence spread to Japan and other Asian countries. It is performed by burning small cones of dried leaves on certain designated points of the body, generally the same points as those used in acupuncture.
The term moxibustion derives from the name of the wormwood plant most frequently used, Artemisia moxa, or (Japanese) A. mogusa. Acupuncture and moxibustion are sometimes used in combination for the treatment of disease and for anesthesia.
From ancient times, the Chinese believed that burning or heating certain points on the body increased circulation “full-bloodedness” and relieved pain. Generally, points near large blood vessels, eyes, and ears are treated by moxa, because acupuncture at these points is deemed inadvisable.
In modern practice the herb is usually crushed, wrapped in special paper, and, when lit, held above the point to be warmed or placed on the skin and removed before overheating occurs. The Japanese developed small tubes, fitted with handles, in which the powdered plant is burned away and heating is controlled by the therapist. A moxa stick burns for four or five minutes and is used to relieve pain and congestion and to provide an anesthetic effect.