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Chinese acupuncture, also known as traditional acupuncture, is a branch of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) which has been used for thousands of years. Today, traditional acupuncture is considered one of the most popular forms of complementary medicine used worldwide.

Chinese acupuncture uses fine needles, inserted at certain points of the body to promote the flow of energy (also known as Qi) around the body’s energy lines, or meridians. Tradition believes that it is when this energy is blocked, that ill health and disease develop. Acupuncture works to aid the flow of this energy. When our energy lines are balanced, we are able to maintain good health and well-being.

The key focus for Chinese acupuncture is that it focuses on the individual, not the illness. Traditional acupuncturists believe that illness and pain occur when the body’s Qi is blocked.

In Chinese acupuncture, these energy blockages are most commonly caused by emotional or physical stress, poor nutrition, infection or injury. By inserting these incredibly fine needles into targeted parts of the body (known as acupuncture points) the acupuncturist can work to free the flow of energy and restore balance to the body, triggering the natural healing response.